Infotainment System 6-29Songs recorded with “NO INFO” tothe HDD will be hard to sort,identify, and select. To make HDDnavigation easier, CDs with “NOINFO” can first be converted to MP3format with Tag information on ahome computer and then recordedto the HDD from an MP3 disc orUSB device.Occasionally, the radio may findmore than one match in Gracenote ®Database for an audio CD that hasbeen recorded. If this happens, theradio will display “Multi-Hit” for thename information when the songsare selected from the HDD. With a“Muli-Hit” song playing, press thebutton below the EDIT tab to bringup the list of multiple names foundin the Gracenote ® Database. Usethe Menu/Select knob to highlightand select the correct name for the“Multi-Hit” recorded CD.The Gracenote ® Database storedon the HDD can be updated so thatit includes name information formore recently released audio CDs.See your dealer/retailer for moreinformation on Gracenote ®Database updates for the HDDradio.Recording From MP3/WMADiscs or USBREC (Record): Press to startrecording tracks from a MP3/WMAdisc or a USB device (excludingiPod), while it is playing. The radiohas the option to record the currenttrack playing or all tracks from theCD. Press the softkey under thedesired record option.The last radio station that was onbegins playing and a status barappears on the top of the displaywhen the recording process starts.The status bar disappears when theprocess has ended. The recordedsongs are now available.AAC and OGG Vorbis file types arenot fully supported. These file typesmay or may not play and may beshown without Tag information.Without Tag information available,these file types may be identifiedonly by file name.AudioBooks from canalso be transferred to the HDDusing the record function. SeeAudioBooks later in this section formore information.Ofrecido por