9-12 Vehicle CareSubstitute Engine Oil: When addingoil to maintain engine oil level, oilmeeting GM Standard GM4718Mmight not be available. You can addsubstitute oil designated SAE 5W-30with the starburst symbol at alltemperatures. Substitute oil notmeeting GM Standard GM4718Mshould not be used for an oilchange.Engine Oil Additives / EngineOil FlushesDo not add anything to the oil.The recommended oils with thestarburst symbol that meet GMstandards are all that is needed forgood performance and engineprotection.Engine oil system flushes are notrecommended and could causeengine damage not covered by thevehicle warranty.Engine Oil Life SystemWhen to Change Engine OilThis vehicle has a computer systemthat indicates when to change theengine oil and filter. This is basedon engine revolutions and enginetemperature, and not on mileage.Based on driving conditions, themileage at which an oil change isindicated can vary considerably.For the oil life system to workproperly, the system must be resetevery time the oil is changed.When the system has calculatedthat oil life has been diminished,it indicates that an oil change isnecessary. A “Change EngineOil Soon” message comes on.See Engine Oil Messages onpage 4‑40. Change the oil assoon as possible within the next1 000 km (600 miles). It is possiblethat, if driving under the bestconditions, the oil life system mightnot indicate that an oil change isnecessary for over a year. However,the engine oil and filter must bechanged at least once a year and atthis time the system must be reset.Your dealer/retailer has trainedservice people who will perform thiswork using genuine parts and resetthe system. It is also important tocheck the oil regularly and keep it atthe proper level.If the system is ever resetaccidentally, the oil must bechanged at 5 000 km (3,000 miles)since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil lifesystem whenever the oil is changed.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com