Vehicle Care 9-111Notice: Machine compoundingor aggressive polishing on abasecoat/clearcoat paint finishmay damage it. Use onlynon-abrasive waxes andpolishes that are made for abasecoat/clearcoat paint finishon the vehicle.Foreign materials such as calciumchloride and other salts, ice meltingagents, road oil and tar, tree sap,bird droppings, chemicals fromindustrial chimneys, etc., candamage the vehicle's finish if theyremain on painted surfaces. Washthe vehicle as soon as possible.If necessary, use non-abrasivecleaners that are marked safe forpainted surfaces to remove foreignmatter.Exterior painted surfaces aresubject to aging, weather andchemical fallout that can take theirtoll over a period of years. To keepthe paint finish looking new, keepthe vehicle garaged or coveredwhenever possible.Protecting Exterior Bright MetalPartsBright metal parts should becleaned regularly to keep theirluster. Wash with water or usechrome polish on chrome orstainless steel trim, if necessary.Use special care with aluminumtrim. To avoid damaging protectivetrim, never use auto or chromepolish, steam or caustic soap toclean aluminum. A coating ofwax, rubbed to high polish, isrecommended for all bright metalparts.Washing the VehicleTo preserve the vehicle's finish,keep it clean by washing it often.Do not wash the vehicle indirect sunlight and use a carwashing soap.Notice: Certain cleaners containchemicals that can damage theemblems or nameplates on thevehicle. Check the cleaningproduct label. If it states that itshould not be used on plasticparts, do not use it on the vehicleor damage may occur and itwould not be covered by thewarranty.Do not use cleaning agents that arepetroleum based or that containacid or abrasives, as they candamage the paint, metal or plasticon the vehicle. Approved cleaningproducts can be obtained fromyour dealer/retailer. Follow allmanufacturer directions regardingcorrect product usage, necessarysafety precautions and appropriatedisposal of any vehicle careproduct.Ofrecido por