8-48 Driving and OperatingThe area displayed by the camera islimited and does not display objectsthat are close to either corner orunder the bumper. The areadisplayed can vary depending onvehicle orientation or roadconditions. The distance of theimage that appears on the screendiffers from the actual distance.The following illustration shows thefield of view that the cameraprovides.A. View displayed by the camera.B. Corner of the rear bumper.When the System Does NotSeem To Work ProperlyThe rear vision camera systemmight not work properly or display aclear image if:. It is dark.. The sun or the beam ofheadlights is shining directly intothe camera lens.. Ice, snow, mud, or anything elsebuilds up on the camera lens.Clean the lens, rinse it withwater, and wipe it with a softcloth.. The back of the vehicle is in anaccident, the position andmounting angle of the cameracan change or the camera canbe affected. Be sure to have thecamera and its position andmounting angle checked at yourdealer/retailer.. There are extreme temperaturechanges.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com