Vehicle Care 9-1015. Slide both D-rings (E) on eachside of the vehicle as farrearward as they will go.6. Route one hook (A) under thewheel spoke (C) and place thehook into the slot in the cargorail on the driver side of thevehicle.7. Slide the D-ring (E) on that sideforward to engage the hook.8. Route the other hook under thewheel spoke (D) and place thehook into the slot in the cargorail on the passenger side of thevehicle.9. Slide the D-ring (E) on that sideforward to engage the hook.Compact Spare Tire and Tools(Sedan)Use the following diagram as aguide for storing the compact sparetire and tools in the trunk:A. Wing NutB. Compact Spare Tire orFlat Tire (valve stem down)C. JackD. Wheel WrenchE. ExtensionF. StrapReverse the instructions forremoving the spare tire and tools tostore the compact spare tire.Ofrecido por