Chapter 33-15xx01 CCD unit for pattern reading (faulty) PCB for pattern reading (faulty) DC controller PCB (faulty)In addition, a fault in the primary chargingassembly or the transfer belt may haveprevented the formation of a pattern.The center of a pattern cannot be determined.xx02 The center position (difference) in relation to the Mpattern is 61 or more in main scanning direction.xx03The center position (difference) in relation to the Mpattern is 113 or more for C and Bk and 141 or more forY in sub scanning direction.0001After the shutter motor has started to rotate, the shutteropen sensor does not turn on after a specific period oftime.0002After the shutter motor has started to rotate, the shutterclosed sensor does not turn on after a specific period oftime.E220 The scanning lamp has deteriorated or hasan open circuit. The lamp regulator PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.The lamp does not turn on 500 msec after the scanninglamp ON signal has been generated. Or, the lamp fails toturn off 500 msec after the scan ning lamp OFF signal hasbeen generated.E226 The reader suction fan (FM12/13) is faulty. The reader suction fan (FM12/13) has stopped to rotate.E2490001The memory elements on the PCB are notconnected, have poor contact, or are faulty.An error has occurred in the course of a read/write checkof the memory on the IP memory PCB.0002 An error has occurred in the course of a read/write checkof the memory on the ED board.E2600001 DC power supply PCB unit (faulty) DC controller PCB (faulty) DC power supply cooling fan (faulty)When the power switch is turned ON, 5V is not presenton the DC controller PCB.0002 When the power switch is turned on with the front coverclosed, 24 V is not present on the DC controller PCB.0003 The thermal switch has detected overheating of the 5Vsystem on the DC power supply PCB.0004 The thermal switch has detected overheating in the 24VRsystem on the DC power supply PCB.0005 0005 The thermal switch has detected overheating in the24VU system on the DC power supply PCB.0006 The DC power supply cooling fan is not rotatingnormally.Code Cause Description