Chapter 5᤹5-865.6 COUNTER Counter Mode5.6.1 COUNTER Table5.6.1.1 COUNTER Table 0004-9313CLC5100 / CLC4000 COUNTER > TOTAL After 999999, the reading returns to 000000. When a Level 3 item (except 038, 039, 040) is pressed and the Clear key is pressed after the item has beenhighlighted, the counter reading of the item will return to 00000. Check the value of Level 3 item 038 whenever you have replaced the cleaning web of the fixing assembly. If not0, press E005RLS under FUSER of FUNC to clear the counter reading.In addition, executing RAMCLR for the reader controller PCB will reset all readings of the Level 3 items to 000000(except 038, 039, 040).T-5-68COUNTER > TOTALSub item Description001 Indicates the number of times the Y developing assembly has been used.002 Indicates the number of times the M developing assembly has been used.003 Indicates the number of times the C developing assembly has been used.004 Indicates the number of times the Bk developing assembly has been used.005 Indicates the number of Ymono copies.006 Indicates the number of Mmono copies.007 Indicates the number of Cmono copies.008 Indicates the number of Bkmono copies.009 Indicates the number of 3color copies.010 Indicates the number of 4color copies.011 Indicates the total number of copies.012 Indicates the total number or printouts.013 Indicates the number of sheets generated using the synthesis function.014 Indicates the total number of sheets (copies + printouts + synthesizedprintouts).015 Indicates the number of sheets picked up from cassette 1.