Chapter 5᤹5-78 OPTION > REMOTET-5-58OPTION > REMOTESub item DescriptionREMOTE Use it to set priorities on parameters selected by the controller.Settings range: 0 to 2᤹ Standard: 20: Use only the settings made on the copier's control panel. For the itemsthat can be selected only on the controller, the factory settings will be used.1: Use the settings of the items that can be selected on the controller; for therest of the items, use those selected on the copier.2: Use the settings of the items that can be selected on the controller; for therest of the items, use the factory settings.Record any new values on the service data sheetPPRTMF Use it to set priorities on multifeeder setting data in case the mult: feedingis selected from the control panel.Settings range: 0 to 2᤹ Standard: 20: Use only the settings made on the copier's control panel. For the itemsthat can be selected only on the controller, the factory settings will be used.1: Use the settings of the items that can be selected on the controller; for therest of the items, use those selected on the copier.2: Use the settings of the items that can be selected on the controller; for therest of the items, use the factory settings.Record any new values on the service data sheet