Chapter 5᤹5-8 DISPLAY > SENSORIndicates the input ports of the DC controller PCB.T-5-9DISPLAY > SENSORbit Connector Description Remarks<800000>0 SW2 power switch ON:1 OFF:01 AC input AC input present: 02 TH6 fixing oil/oil heater thermistor errordetectionready: 0; error: 13 FM35,36 prefixing exhaust fan error detection ready: 0; error: 14 H1,2 fixing heater power error detection error: 05 H3,4,5,6 drum heater power error detection error: 06 TH1,2,3,4 fixing thermistor error detection ready: 0; error: 17 TH8,9,10,11 drum thermistor error detection ready: 0; error: 1<800001>0 counter error detection error 1/ counterOFF: 11 auto shutoff open circuit detection error 1/ port OFF: 12 5V U error detection ready: 1; error: 03 24V U error detection ready: 1; error: 04 overheat 5 V U detection ready: 0; error: 15 overheat 24R detection ready: 0; error: 16 overheat 24V U detection ready: 0; error: 17 FM17,18 power supply cooling fan 1/2 operationerror detectionready: 0; error: 1<800002>0 M10 multifeeder pickup motor PLL errordetectionready: 0; error: 11 M21 photosensitive drum motor PLL errordetectionready: 0; error: 12 M29 scanner motor PLL error detection ready: 0; error: 13 M9 fixing motor PLL error detection ready: 0; error: 1