Chapter 5᤹5-624 M20 (waste toner feed motor) erates for 10 sec, stops for 3 sec, and then operates for10 sec and stops.Its operation stops in response to a press on the Stopkey.5 M18C, M18M, M18Y, M18Bk (C/M/Y/K developing motor)Operates for 10 sec, stops for 3 sec, and then operatesfor 10 sec and stops.Its operation stops in response to a press on the Stopkey.6 M9 (fixing motor), M9005(application roller drive motor)Rotates for 10 sec at standard speed (138 mm/sec) forplain paper (64 to 104 g), for 10 sec at standard speed(90 mm/sec) for thick paper (157 g), for 10 sec atstandard speed (68 mm/sec) for ultra thick paper (209g), for 10 sec at gloss speed (45 mm/sec) for ultra thickpaper (209 g), and stops for 3 sec.Its operation stops in response to a press on the Stopkey.7 M14 (transfer belt motor) Operates for an equivalent of 2 rotations of the belt andstops for 3 sec; then, operates for an equivalent of 2rotations, and stops.Its operation stops in response to a press on the Stopkey.8 M9002, M9003 (fixing front feedmotor)Rotates for 10 sec at standard speed (138 mm/sec) forplain paper (64 to 104 g), for 10 sec at standard speed(90 mm/sec) for thick paper (157 g), for 10 sec atstandard speed (68 mm/sec) for ultra thick paper (209g), for 10 sec at gloss speed (45 mm/sec) for ultra thickpaper (209 g), and stops for 3 sec.Its operation stops in response to a press on the Stopkey.9 Buffer pass unit motor Rotates for 10 sec at standard speed (138 mm/sec) forplain paper (64 to 104 g), for 10 sec at standard speed(90 mm/sec) for thick paper (157 g), for 10 sec atstandard speed (68 mm/sec) for ultra thick paper (209g), for 10 sec at gloss speed (45 mm/sec) for ultra thickpaper (209 g), and stops for 3 sec.Its operation stops in response to a press on the Stopkey.Details of MTRNo. Motor Control