Chapter 5᤹5-84T-5-655.5.1.5 0001-9634CLC5100 / CLC4000T-5-6613 For R&D14 Full color 17 gradations15 For R&D16 Not used17 For R&D18 For R&D19 For R&D20 For R&D21 For R&D22 For R&DRemarks Enter the appropriate number (1 through 16) using thekeypad, and press the Start key to generate test prints. Inthe case of 3, 4, 5, or 6, the color may be selected in colormode (user mode). Be sure to return the setting to 0 after generating the testprint.᤹᤹᤹᤹Selects the density of each color for full face halftone forTEST>PG>TYPE=5.Settingsrange0 to 255Standard: 128PGTYPE Descriptionm