Chapter 77-77.3.2 Specifications 0003-1044CLC4000Copyboard FixedBody ConsoleLight source type Halogen lampLens type Fixedfocus lensPhotosensitive medium OPC drum (60 mm dia.)Image reading method Lightsensing element (BGR3line CCD); fixed CCD, scannedby mirrorReproduction method Indirect electrostatic methodExposure method Laser exposureCopy densityadjustment functionManual density adjustment (9 levels), color AECharging method CoronaDevelopment method J/B (jumping/brush) development (C,M,Y,Bk)Attraction method Electrostatic absorption (simultaneous with Y transfer)Transfer method by blade (transfer belt)Separation method Electrostatic separationPickup method Cassette (2 cassettes), paper deck, manual feed trayCassette pickup method Separation rollerPaper deck pickupmethodSeparation rollerMultifeeder pickupmethodSeparation rollerDrum cleaning method by bladeFixing method By heat roller + external heater rollerDelivery method Face down (when the buffer path unit is installed)/ Face upContrast adjustmentfunctionAutoToner supply type Toner bottle (Y,M,C: 750g, K:640g)Original type Sheet, threedimensional object (up to 2 kg)