18-11 Fire Mode Log: TimeRange: Function:0 s* [0 -2147483647 s]This parameter contains an arraywith 10 elements. The parametershows when the logged eventoccurred. Time is measured inseconds since the 1st start of themotor.18-12 Fire Mode Log: Date and TimeRange: Function:Sizerelated*[ 0 - 0 ] This parameter contains an arraywith 10 elements. The parametershows at which date and time thelogged event occurred. Thefunction relies on the fact that theactual date and time has been setin parameter 0-70 Date and Time.NOTICEThere is no built-in batteryback-up of the clock. Use anexternal back-up, for examplethe one in the VLT® Analog I/OMCB 109 Analog I/O optioncard See parameter group 0-7*Clock Settings.3.17.3 18-3* Analog I/OParameters for reporting the digital and analog I/O ports.18-30 Analog Input X42/1Range: Function:0* [-20 - 20 ] Readout of the value of the signalapplied to terminal X42/1 on theanalog I/O card.The units of the value shown in theLCP correspond to the modeselected in parameter 26-00 TerminalX42/1 Mode.18-31 Analog Input X42/3Range: Function:0* [-20 - 20 ] Readout of the value of the signalapplied to terminal X42/3 on theanalog I/O card.The units of the value shown in theLCP correspond to the modeselected in parameter 26-01 TerminalX42/3 Mode.18-32 Analog Input X42/5Range: Function:0* [-20 - 20 ] Readout of the value of the signalapplied to terminal X42/5 on theanalog I/O card.The units of the value shown in theLCP correspond to the modeselected in parameter 26-02 TerminalX42/5 Mode.18-33 Analog Out X42/7 [V]Range: Function:0* [0 - 30 ] Readout of the value of the signalapplied to terminal X42/7 on theanalog I/O card.The value shown reflects theselection inparameter 26-40 Terminal X42/7Output.18-34 Analog Out X42/9 [V]Range: Function:0* [0 - 30 ] Readout of the value of the signalapplied to terminal X42/9 on theanalog I/O card.The value shown reflects theselection inparameter 26-50 Terminal X42/9Output.18-35 Analog Out X42/11 [V]Range: Function:0* [0 - 30 ] Readout of the value of the signalapplied to terminal X42/11 on theanalog I/O card.The value shown reflects theselection inparameter 26-60 Terminal X42/11Output.18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA]Range: Function:0* [-20 - 20 ] View the actual current measuredat input X48/2.18-37 Temp. Input X48/4Range: Function:0* [-500 - 500 ] View the actual temperaturemeasured at input X48/4. Thetemperature unit is based on theselection in parameter 35-00 Term.X48/4 Temperature Unit.Parameter Descriptions VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102172 Danfoss A/S © 10/2019 All rights reserved. M001000133