23-16 Maintenance TextArray [6]Range: Function:0* [0 - 20 ] 6 individual texts (Maintenance Text0...Maintenance Text 5) can bewritten for use in eitherparameter 23-10 Maintenance Itemor parameter 23-11 MaintenanceAction.The text is written according to theguidelines in parameter 0-37 DisplayText 23-5* Energy LogThe frequency converter is continuously accumulating theconsumption of the motor controlled, based on the actualpower yielded by the frequency converter.This data can be used for an energy log function allowingto compare and structure the information about theenergy consumption related to time.There are 2 functions:• Data related to a pre-programmed period,defined by a set date and time for start.• Data related to a predefined period back in time,for example last 7 days within the pre-programmed period.For each of the above 2 functions, the data is stored inseveral counters allowing for selecting time frame and asplit on hours, days, or weeks.The period/split (resolution) can be set inparameter 23-50 Energy Log Resolution.The data is based on the value registered by the kWhcounter in the frequency converter. This counter value canbe read in parameter 15-02 kWh Counter containing theaccumulated value since the first power-up or latest resetof the counter (parameter 15-06 Reset kWh Counter).All data for the energy log is stored in counters, which canbe read from parameter 23-53 Energy Log.130BA282.10Σ kWh(P 15-02, kWh Counter)Counter 1Counter 0Counter 2Counter 3Counter 4Counter 5Counter 6DaysIllustration 3.68 Energy Log GraphCounter 00 always contains the oldest data. A countercovers a period from XX:00 to XX:59 if hours or 00:00 to23:59 if days.If logging either the last hours or last days, the countersshift contents at XX:00 every hour or at 00:00 every day.The counter with highest index is always subject to update(containing data for the actual hour since XX:00 or theactual day since 00:00).The contents of counters can be shown as bars on the LCP.Select Quick Menu, Loggings, Energy Log: Trending ContinuedBin/Trending Timed Bin/Trending Comparison.23-50 Energy Log ResolutionOption: Function:NOTICEThe frequency converter hasno back-up of the clockfunction. The set date/timeresets to default (2000-01-0100:00) after a power-downunless a real-time clock-module with back-up isinstalled. Therefore, thelogging is stopped until date/time is readjusted inparameter 0-70 Date and Time.In parameter 0-79 Clock Fault,it is possible to program awarning if the clock has notbeen set properly, for exampleafter a power-down.Select the type of period forlogging consumption: [0] Hour ofDay, [1] Day of Week, or [2] Day ofMonth. The counters contain thelogging data from the programmeddate/time for start(parameter 23-51 Period Start) andParameter Descriptions VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102220 Danfoss A/S © 10/2019 All rights reserved. M001000133