2.1.6 Function Set-upsThe Function Set-up provides quick and easy access to allparameters required for most HVAC applications including:• Most VAV and CAV supply and return fans.• Cooling tower fans.• Primary pumps.• Secondary pumps.• Condenser water pumps.• Other pump, fan and compressor applications.How to access Function Set-up - example1. Turn on the frequency converter (yellow LEDlights).28.8%14.4HzAuto Remote Running5.66A 2.63kW0kWh1 (1)130BT110.11StatusIllustration 2.20 Frequency Converter Turned On2. Press [Quick Menus].130BT111.10Q1 My Personal MenuQ2 Quick SetupQ3 Function SetupsQ5 Changes Made13.7% 13.0A 1(1)Quick MenusIllustration 2.21 Quick Menu Selected3. Press [▲] and [▼] to scroll down to Function Set-ups. Press [OK].130BT112.12Q1 My Personal MenuQ2 Quick SetupQ3 Function SetupsQ5 Changes Made69.3% 5.20A 1(1)Quick MenusIllustration 2.22 Scrolling to Function Set-up4. Function Set-ups options appear. Select Q3-1General Settings. Press [OK].Q3130BT113.10Q3-1 General SettingsQ3-2 Open Loop SettingsQ3-3 Closed Loop SettingsQ3-4 Application Settings28.4% 2.05A 1(1)Function SetupsIllustration 2.23 Function Set-ups Options5. Press [▲] and [▼] to scroll down to Q3-11 AnalogOutputs. Press [OK].130BT114.1026.0%Q3 - 10 Adv. Motor SettingsQ3 - 11 Analog OutputQ3 - 12 Clock SettingsQ3 - 13 Display Settings7.14A 1(1)Q3-1General SettingsIllustration 2.24 General Settings Options6. Select parameter 6-50 Terminal 42 Output. Press[OK].130BA115.106 - 50 Terminal 42 Output(100) Output frequency26.3% 5.82A 1(1)Analog Output 03.11Illustration 2.25 Parameter 6-50 Terminal 42 Output Selected7. Press [▲] and [▼] to select between the differentoptions. Press [OK].130BT116.1043.4%6-50 Terminal 42 Output[107] SpeedAnalog Output7.99AQ3-111(1)Illustration 2.26 Setting a ParameterHow to Programme Programming GuideM0010001 Danfoss A/S © 10/2019 All rights reserved. 192 2