1-63 Slip Compensation Time ConstantRange: Function:Sizerelated*[0.05 - 5 s] NOTICEParameter 1-63 Slip Compen-sation Time Constant has noeffect whenparameter 1-10 MotorConstruction = [1] PM, non-salient SPM.Enter the slip compensationreaction speed. A high value resultsin a slow reaction, and a low valueresults in a quick reaction. If low-frequency resonance problemsarise, use a longer time setting.1-64 Resonance DampeningRange: Function:Sizerelated*[0 - 500 %] NOTICEParameter 1-64 ResonanceDampening has no effect whenparameter 1-10 MotorConstruction=[1] PM, non-salient SPM.Enter the resonance damping value.Set parameter 1-64 ResonanceDampening andparameter 1-65 ResonanceDampening Time Constant to helpeliminate high-frequency resonanceproblems. To reduce resonanceoscillation, increase the value ofparameter 1-64 ResonanceDampening.1-65 Resonance Dampening Time ConstantRange: Function:5 ms* [5 - 50 ms] NOTICEParameter 1-65 ResonanceDampening Time Constant hasno effect whenparameter 1-10 MotorConstruction = [1] PM, non-salient SPM.Set parameter 1-64 ResonanceDampening andparameter 1-65 ResonanceDampening Time Constant to helpeliminate high-frequency resonanceproblems. Enter the time constantthat provides the best dampening.1-66 Min. Current at Low SpeedRange: Function:Sizerelated*[ 1 - 200 %] NOTICEParameter 1-66 Min. Current atLow Speed has no effect ifparameter 1-10 MotorConstruction = [0] Asynchron.Enter the minimum motor currentat low speed.Increasing this current improvesdeveloped motor torque at lowspeed. Low speed is here definedas speeds below 6% of the nominalmotor speed (parameter 1-25 MotorNominal Speed) in VVC+ PM Control.3.3.9 1-7* Start Adjustments1-70 Start ModeOption: Function:[0] RotorDetectionSuitable for all applications wherethe motor is known to be standingstill when starting (for exampleconveyors, pumps, and non-windmilling fans).[1] * Parking If the motor turns at a low speed(that is lower than 2–5% of thenominal speed), for example due tofans with windmilling, select [1]Parking and adjustparameter 2-06 Parking Current andparameter 2-07 Parking Timeaccordingly.[2] Rotor Det. w/Parking1-71 Start DelayRange: Function:00 s* [0 - 120 s] Enter the time delay between thestart command and the time whenthe frequency converter suppliesthe power to the motor.This parameter is related to thestart function selected inparameter 1-72 Start Function.1-72 Start FunctionOption: Function:Select the start function during thestart delay. This parameter is linkedto parameter 1-71 Start Delay.Parameter Descriptions VLT® HVAC Drive FC 10262 Danfoss A/S © 10/2019 All rights reserved. M001000133