90 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 1088..55 DDBB--99 CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn PPoorrttTable 7 explains the functions of the pins on the Eaton 9PXM DB-9 communication port. This port is on theEaton 9PXM UPS rear panel, as shown in Figure 75 .Pin Function Description1 Low Battery Alarm Pin 1 shifts from RS-232 Low (negative voltage) to RS-232 High (positivevoltage) and remains high whenever the UPS enters a Low Battery alarmstate.2 RS-232 Transmit Data Sends outgoing RS-232 communication data at 9600 baud, 8 bits, noparity, 1 stop bit.3 RS-232 Receive Data/RS-232 ShutdownRS-232 Receive Data Function. Receives incoming RS-232 communicationdata at 9600 baud,8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.RS-232 Shutdown Function. If Pin 3 receives an RS-232 Low signal (+Vdc)for at least 5 seconds, but not more than 7 seconds, during an AC Failurecondition, the UPS output shuts off following a delay of 120 seconds (±5seconds).4 Reserved Loopback to Pin 65 Common Signal Ground6 Reserved Loopback to Pin 47 No Connection Open Pin8 AC Fail Signal(On-Battery)Pin 8 shifts from RS-232 Low (positive voltage) to RS-232 High (positivevoltage) and remains high for 15 seconds (±1 second) after the UPSdetects an AC Failure condition, assuming the condition still exists afterthe 15 seconds.When the AC Failure condition no longer exists, the signal returns to theRS-232 Low state (positive voltage).9 No Connection/DC Supply VoltageThe UPS is factory-set with Pin 9 disconnected, but can be enabledthrough a technician-replaceable jumper inside the UPS. The jumpersetting MUST be changed by a qualified service technician.When enabled, Pin 9 provides supply voltage for use with externalconnectivity devices requiring DC power directly from the UPS DB-9 port(nominal 12 Vdc/5W; 8V minimum, 24V maximum). Use only Eaton brandconnectivity devices.88..66 CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn SSlloottssThe Eaton 9PXM UPS has two communication slots that allow quick installation of the optional communicationcards. These interface cards extend the capabilities of the Eaton 9PXM system to provide compatibility withnetwork and remote monitoring/management systems.Type of connectivity cards that can be installed include:Network Card M-2The Eaton Network Card-M2 allows an Eaton UPS to directly connect to the Ethernet network and the Internet,supporting real-time monitoring and control of UPSs across the network via a standard Web browser, SNMP-compliant network management system or power management software. Environmental monitoring is alsopossible via an Environmental Monitor Probe (EMP)DB-9 Communication Port