4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10 75MMeeaassuurreemmeennttssThe Measurements screen shows the measurements of the installed units.Figure 61. Measurements MenuMeasurementsTotal LoadLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassMeasurementsTotal LoadLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassMeasurementsTotal LoadLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassMeasurementsTotal LoadLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassMeasurementsBypassLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputTotal OutputTotal LoadLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassTotal OutputOutput / EfficiencyBatteryAverage Power UsageCumulat. Power UsageMeasurementsMeasurementsTotal LoadLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)Load Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassMeasurementsTotal OutputLoad Phase 2 (N-L2)InputBypassOutput / EfficiencyMeasurementsOutput / EfficiencyInputBypassTotal OutputBatteryMeasurementsBatteryBypassTotal OutputOutput / EfficiencyAverage power usageMeasurementsAverage power usageTotal OutputOutput / EfficiencyBatteryCumulat. power usageTotal Load0W 0.0A0VA 0.00pfLoad Phase 1 (N-L1)0W 0.0A0VA 0.00pf0W 0.0A0VA 0.00pfInput122V1 122V260.00 HzAverage Power Usage0WhCumulat. power usage0kWhSince:01/01/2000 00.00Load Phase 2 (N-L2)Bypass122V1 122V260.00 HzTotal Output206V 59.0HzN-L1 N-L2119V 119VEfficiency- - %Battery96% 999minABM Charging138v*Output readingsfor example onlyOn control panel:Press ( ) or ( ) to scroll menuPress ( ) button to selectPress ESC for previous screenDisplay Menu Screens