4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10 47Figure 40. Connected EBM Front And BackSuperChargerBatteryModulesBatteryModulesEBM Front View(Covers removed)UPS DCTerminalCoversDC EmergencyDisconnectSwitchCommunicationPortsEBMUPS ACTerminalCoversEBM Front EBM Back!IMPORTANT• If you are installing multiple EBM(s) upstream to the UPS, repeat the setup as described in this section.• The battery cables are supplied inside the battery cabinet accessory kit.• In the UPS cabinet, the proper location of cabinet-to-cabinet DC wiring is on the lower left of the rear panel.• All of the slots in the Standard 8 and 12 slot battery cabinets can be populated with batteries.PPrreeppaarree tthhee EEBBMM CCaabbiinneettNOTE 1 The external battery cabinets are the same dimensions as the UPS cabinets. Refer tothe ” 2.1 Preparing for Installation ” section for unpacking and cabinet setup.NOTE 2 If you are installing multiple EBM(s) upstream to the UPS, repeat the setup as describedin this section.1. Open the carton containing the external battery cabinet cable assembly and position it in the desiredlocation next to the UPS.Connected Battery Cabinet With No AC Input