4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10 15CChhaapptteerr 33 UUPPSS WWiitthh EExxtteerrnnaall BByyppaassss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn33..11 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff tthhee UUPPSS wwiitthh aann EExxtteerrnnaall BByyppaassss SSwwiittcchhThe Eaton 9PXM UPS input power is hardwired through a conduit to either a main power source circuit breaker or to an optionalbypass switch. It is recommended that you install an Eaton® Bypass Power Module (BPM) to enable power transfer duringmaintenance or UPS downtime.Risk of electrical shock. Only qualified service personnel (such as a licensed electrician) should perform theelectrical installation in this section.NOTE For installation and configuration of the Eaton bypass switch refer to the manual “EatonBypass Power Module (BPM) User’s Guide P-164000628” supplied with the switch oron the Eaton website https://www.eaton.com/9PXM .If a bypass switch is used, both UPS input and UPS output must be hardwired through separate conduits to thebypass switch, as shown in Figure 14.Figure 14. Typical Installation with a Bypass SwitchExternal Bypass SwitchExternal Bypass SwitchBPM Design BPE DesignMBB OptionServiceLineServiceLineUPSUPSServiceLineUPSUser-Supplied(if required)BuildingServicePanelLoadDistributionPanel(optional)External BatteryModuleServiceLineServiceLineUPSUPSServiceLineUPSUser-Supplied(if required)BuildingServicePanelLoadDistributionPanel(optional)External BatteryModule