52 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10NOTE DC input cables only required if EBM(s) are installed upstream.9. On the upper rear UPS and EBM panels, connect the input signal cables from the EBM CN4 to the UPSinput signal port CN4 using the supplied cables. (See ).10. If additional battery cabinets are to be connected to the first, in a daisy-chain configuration, connect eachEBM with signal cables from CN3 to CN4 (see Figure 45 ).Figure 45. UPS Input Control Signal Wiring (For External Controls);><S8jx,Qog;7±Ss,UPSROO and On Generator(CN6)External CAN(CN4)To previous (upstream)EBM CN4Signal cables andconnectors (supplied)EBM 1EBM 2 CAN OUT(CN3)CAN OUT(CN3)CAN IN(CN4)CAN IN(CN4)11. Connect the CAN cable ground wires to the EBM chassis.NOTE Connect each CAN ground wires to separate screws on the chassis. See Figure 46 .Figure 46. Securing The CAN Ground Wire*reyg;7±g85jg8ommunicationg8able2 17 117CN3CN4CAN IN CAN OUT LAST EBMJUMPERNOT FOR CUSTOMER USERS-232Secure Green and Yellow CANcable ground wire to the chassisGreen Terminal Jumperin Last EBMEBM 1 UPSSecure Green and Yellow CANcable ground wire to the chassis12. Close the DC emergency disconnect switch button on the back of each EBM. Insert the switch keysupplied with the cabinet into the button and turn clockwise 1/2-turn. Pull the button OUT to close theswitch and reconnect DC power. Turn the key back counter-clockwise, and remove the key (see Figure 47).Connected Battery Cabinet With 120VAC Input