72 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10Indicator Status DescriptionOrangeBypassOn The UPS is on Bypass mode.RedOn The UPS has an active alarm or fault. SeeChapter 11, “Troubleshooting” foradditional information.77..1122 LLCCDD DDeessccrriippttiioonnAfter five minutes of inactivity, the LCD displays the screen saver.The LCD backlight automatically dims after 10 minutes of inactivity. Press any button to restore the screen.Figure 57. LCD Display Status IndicatorsOperation statusLoad/equipmentstatusEfficiency and load group informationBattery statusEfficiency: 94%100%2.7kW3.0kVA100%19min1EBMOnline mode77..1133 DDiissppllaayy SSttaattuuss IInnddiiccaattoorrssThe following table describes the status information provided by the UPS If another indicator not shownappears, see, “11.1 Troubleshooting ” for additional information.LCD Description