4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10 67CChhaapptteerr 77 OOppeerraattiioonn77..11 NNoorrmmaall OOppeerraattiioonnTo operate the UPS:1. Verify the UPS startup procedure has been completed (see , “6.1 UPS Startup ” )2. The UPS control panel display illuminates and shows the EATON logo. See “ Figure 59 ”.3. Verify that the power-on symbol shows on the UPS status screen.4. Press the button on the UPS front panel until a beep sounds.5. Check the UPS front panel display for active alarms or notices. Resolve any active alarms beforecontinuing. See , “11.1 Troubleshooting ”. If the indicator is on, do not proceed until all alarms areclear. Check the UPS status from the front panel to view the active alarms. Correct the alarms and restart ifnecessary.6. Verify that the indicator illuminates solid, indicating that the UPS is operating normally and any loadsare powered and protected.7. Make sure the UPS is in Online mode.77..22 UUPPSS SSttaannddbbyy MMooddeeTo place the UPS in standby:Press the button on the front panel for three seconds.• The UPS starts to beep then transfers to Standby mode.• The indicator will flash continually.77..33 UUPPSS SShhuuttddoowwnnObserve all Lock-Out / Tag-Out procedures when external power is removed.To shutdown the UPS completely:• Place the UPS in standby• Remove AC power by opening the building service circuit breaker or placing the bypass switch in SERVICE(if installed). Remove DC power by pressing the DC disconnect switch on the back of the EBM(s) andremoving all battery modules from the UPS cabinet.77..44 OOppeerraattiinngg MMooddeess77..44..11 OOnnlliinnee MMooddeeThe Eaton 9PXM front panel indicates the UPS status through the UPS indicators, see page 11.Online ModeDuring Online mode, the indicator illuminates solid and the UPS is powered from the utility. The UPSmonitors and charges the batteries as needed and provides filtered power protection to your equipment.