4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10 103CChhaapptteerr 1111 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg1111..11 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinnggThe Eaton 9PXM is designed for durable, automatic operation and also alert you whenever potential operatingproblems may occur. Usually the alarms shown by the control panel do not mean that the output power isaffected. Instead, they are preventive alarms intended to alert the user.• Events are silent status information that are recorded into the Event log. Example = "AC freq in range".• Alarms are recorded into the Event log and displayed on the LCD status screen with the logo blinking.Some alarms may be announced by a beep every 3 seconds. Example = "Battery low".• Faults are announced by a continuous beep and red LED, recorded into the Fault log and displayed on theLCD with a specific message box. Example = Out. short circuit.• Use the following troubleshooting chart to determine the UPS alarm condition.Typical Alarms and FaultsTo check the Event log or Fault log:1. Press any button on the front panel display to activate the menu options.2. Press the down arrow button to select Event log or Fault log from the Menu screen.3. Scroll through the listed events or faults. See 7.8 Retrieving the Event Log and 7.9 Retrieving the Fault Log.The following table describes typical conditions.Table 14. Typicial Alarm ConditionsPossible Cause Conditions ActionBattery ModeLED is On1 beep every 10 secondsA utility failure has occurred and the UPSis on Battery mode.The UPS is powering the equipment withthe battery power. Prepare yourequipment for shutdown.Battery lowLED is On1 beep every 3 secondsThe UPS is in Battery mode and thebattery is running low.This warning is approximate, and theactual time to shutdown may varysignificantly. Depending on the UPS loadand number of Extended Battery Modules(EBMs), the "Battery Low" warning mayoccur before the batteries reaches lowcapacity.No BatteryLED is On.Beep continuous.The batteries are disconnected. Verify that all batteries are properlyconnected. If the condition persists,contact your service representative.Battery fault The battery test has failed due to bad ordisconnected batteries, or the batteryminimum voltage is reached in ABMcycling mode.Verify that all batteries are properlyconnected. Start a new battery test: ifthe condition persists, contact yourservice representative.