4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 10 5Figure 3. Power Modules and Battery SlotsPower ModuleBattery Slot (typical)(2 battery modulesper slot)Twelve-slot CabinetShown.Battery ModulesAs a UPS, the eight-slot 9PXM chassis can accommodate a maximum of seven two-battery slots and thetwelve-slot can contain up to eleven two-battery slots. Each two-battery slot contains two battery modules thatcan be removed and installed separately from the battery slots in the chassis. A battery module supplies60VDC with five 12V batteries, each 9PXM battery two-battery slot supplies 120VDC, with 10 batteries (seeFigure 4 ).NOTE You must install one 9PXM battery string (Qty 2 battery modules) in the main UPSchassis for every power module present or the UPS will sound a “Not Enough Battery”alarm indication.Physical Features