IntroductionPage 5Full and part settingThe control unit can set in one of four ways: either full set or one of threepart sets (part set B, C or D).When the system is full set, all zones are set. When the system is part set,only the zones that belong to the part set are set.A part set may, for example, set the downstairs areas, leaving the upstairsunset (e.g. for use during the night).About users and user typesA user is a person who is able to enter an access code at a keypad toperform an action, such as to set or unset the system, or gain access to theuser options.User options are available for carrying out tasks such as omitting zones,viewing the log, testing the system and switching outputs on or off. For afull list of available user options, please refer to the User Menu Map onpage 22.When the system is new, there is only one user: the default master user,who has full access to perform any action that a user is able to do andaccess all user options. The master user can add new users, and whiledoing so, specify the user's type, which determines the actions the user cancarry out.The control unit identifies each user by a unique access code (page 6),which contains 4 or 6 digits, depending on how the installer has set up thesystem.The available user types are as follows: Master user – This user is able to carry out all user actions. A masteruser can, for example, set or unset the system and access all optionsin the user menus, including the ability to add or delete other users.A master user can edit any user's name, and for all but other masterusers, edit a user's type. There is always (at least) one master user(User 001), which cannot be deleted by any user. Normal user – A normal user can set and unset the system, but hasaccess to a limited number of user options. A normal user can, forexample, omit zones, change their own access code, add their ownproximity tag, view the log and operate outputs, but cannot add ordelete users.