5-54 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5TxGOOSE1 PORT ASSIGNMENTRange: Disabled, Port-1; Port-2; Port-3; Ports-1,2; Ports-2,3; Ports-1,3; Ports-1,2,3Default: Ports-1, 2, 3This setting specifies the Ethernet ports for transmission of TxGOOSE1. When set to disabled, TxGOOSE1 messages arenot transmitted on any port no matter the state of GoEna. When set to Port-1, TxGOOSE1 is published over EthernetPort-1 only; while selecting Ports-1, 3 option, the same TxGOOSE1 is published to both Ports 1 and 3; and similarly if setto Ports-1, 2, 3, all ports publish TxGOOSE1.R-TxGOOSE1 IP CLASSRange: 0 to 256 in steps of 1Default: 46When the TxGOOSE1 MODE setting is other than R-GOOSE, the value of this setting is not used. Otherwise this settingselects the IPv4 Differentiated Services Code Point-DSCP (formerly called TypeOfService-TOS) value. This value providespriority routing, when supported in the routers. The default value is for Expedited Forwarding (101110B, 46 or 2EH).R-TxGOOSE1 DST IPRange: to 255.255.255 in steps of 1Default: the TxGOOSE1 MODE setting is other than R-GOOSE, the value of this setting is not used. Otherwise this settingspecifies destination IP address for the R-TXGOOSE1 that is entered in Standard IPV4 address format. The destination IPaddress needs to be a valid multicast or unicast IP address. The value specified in this setting is mapped to IPv4 header32 bit field for Destination IP Address while publishing R-GOOSE1.The default IP address is reserved, and hence not a valid multicast IP address.The source IP address is that of the UR port from which the R-GOOSE messages are transmitted.R-TxGOOSE1 SECURITYRange: None, Signature, SignatureAndEncryptionDefault: NoneThis setting is not supported. The default is None. Do not change the default.RxGOOSENavigate to Settings > Product Setup > Communications > IEC 61850 > GOOSE > RxGOOSE > RxGOOSE Messages.IEC 61850, GOOSE is an efficient method for simultaneous high-speed delivery of the same generic substation eventinformation by a publishing device to more than one subscribing device. An RxGOOSE is a UR element implementing asingle IEC 61850 GOOSE message subscribing service. The publishing function in URs is performed by TxGOOSE elements,as described in the previous section.Each UR with the IEC 61850 order code option has 64 RxGOOSE elements. Each RxGOOSE element can subscribe to GOOSEmessages from a specified publisher. Each RxGOOSE can either use the original format specified in IEC 61850 8 1:2011 orthe routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE) format specified in IEC TR 61850-90-5:2012. Subscribed message members can beDataObjects, SubDataObjects, DataAttributes or SubAttributes. In E2-2.0 mode members are restricted to basic typesBOOLEAN, FLOAT32, INT32, Dbpos, TimeStamp or Quality. Each subscribed message can contain up to 64 values. Amember can be a structure containing several values; note that it is the number of values rather than the number ofmembers that are limited to 64.GOOSE messages from any device of any manufacturer that implements the IEC 61850 edition 1.0 or 2.0 GOOSE publishservice or the 61850-90-5 R GOOSE service can be subscribed to. The UR accepts both the variable length encoded GOOSEmessages specified IEC 61850 8 1:2004 and the Fixed-Length encoded GOOSE messages as specified in IEC 61850 81:2011 clause A.3.When setting PRT2 REDUNDANCY to Failover or to PRP, the TxGOOSE 1 port assignment needs to be set to ports 2and 3 (Ports-2,3).Also, Port 3 configuration in the CID file is ignored. The Port 3 ConnectedAP elements has no meaning, as ports 2and 3 use the port 2 MAC address, IP address, and mask.