5-186 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALTESTING CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5While in Forcible test mode, the relay contact outputs can be pre-programmed to respond in the following ways:• If set to “Normal,” the contact output remains fully operational. It operates when its control operand is logic 1 andresets when its control operand is logic 0.• If set to “Energized,” the output closes and remains closed while the operand selected by the TEST MODE FORCINGsetting is On, regardless of the status of the operand configured to control the output contact. While the selectedoperand is Off, the output behaves as it does when in service.• If set to “De-energized,” the output opens and remains opened while the operand selected by the TEST MODE FORCINGsetting is On, regardless of the status of the operand configured to control the output contact. While the selectedoperand is Off, the output behaves as it does when in service.• If set to “Freeze,” the output retains its position at the instant before the TEST MODE FUNCTION was Forcible and theoperand selected by the TEST MODE FORCING setting was On, regardless of later changes in the status of the operandconfigured to control the output contact. While the selected operand is Off, the output behaves as it does when inservice.On restart, the TEST MODE FORCING setting and the force contact input and force contact output settings revert totheir default states.