5-180 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALINPUTS/OUTPUTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5The three sources of RESET commands each activates the RESET OP FlexLogic operand. Each individual source of a RESETcommand also creates its individual operand RESET OP (PUSHBUTTON), RESET OP (COMMS), or RESET OP (OPERAND) to identify the source ofthe command. Each of these three operands generates an event in the event record when activated. The RESET OPERANDsetting here selects the operand that activates the RESET OP (OPERAND) operand.5.8.6 Direct inputs and outputs5.8.6.1 Direct inputsSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS DIRECT INPUTS DIRECT INPUT 1(256)These settings specify how the direct input information is processed.DIRECT INPUT 1 NAME — This setting allows the user to assign a descriptive name to the direct input.DIRECT INPUT 1 DEVICE ID — Represents the source of direct input 1. The specified direct input is driven by the deviceidentified here.DIRECT INPUT 1 BIT NUMBER — The bit number to extract the state for direct input 1. Direct Input 1 is driven by the bitidentified as DIRECT INPUT 1 BIT NUMBER. This corresponds to the direct output number of the sending device.DIRECT INPUT 1 DEFAULT — Represents the state of the direct input when the associated direct device is offline. Thefollowing choices are available:• On — Defaults the input to Logic 1• Off — Defaults the input to Logic 0• Latest/On — Freezes the input in case of lost communications. When the latest state is not known, such as after relaypower-up but before the first communication exchange, the input defaults to Logic 1. When communication resumes,the input becomes fully operational.• Latest/Off — Freezes the input in case of lost communications. When the latest state is not known, such as after relaypower-up but before the first communication exchange, the input defaults to Logic 0. When communication resumes,the input becomes fully operational. Direct outputsSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS DIRECT OUTPUTS DIRECT OUTPUT 1(256)DIRECT OUT 1 NAME — This setting allows the user to assign a descriptive name to the direct output.DIR OUT 1 OPERAND — This sets the FlexLogic operand that determines the state of this direct output. DIRECT INPUT 1 DIRECT INPUT 1NAME: Dir Ip 1Range: up to 12 alphanumeric characters DIRECT INPUT 1DEVICE ID: 0Range: 0 to 16 DIRECT INPUT 1BIT NUMBER: 0Range: 0 to 256 DIRECT INPUT 1DEFAULT: OffRange: On, Off, Latest/On, Latest/Off DIRECT INPUT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled DIRECT OUTPUT 1 DIRECT OUT 1 NAME:Dir Out 1Range: up to 12 alphanumeric characters DIRECT OUT 1 OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operand DIRECT OUTPUT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled