APPENDIX C: COMMAND LINE INTERFACE COMMAND LINE INTERFACEB90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL C-5CThe device name DEV@SETUP_CLI is always assigned to the device that is connected most recently by performing'adddevice' command. It means that the Application only keeps up to one device named as DEV@SETUP_CLI, the'adddevice' command disconnects/deletes the device DEV@SETUP _CLI that was connected previously by performing'adddevice' command.The device name DEV@SETUP_CLI is never used to configure/connect to a device through the graphical user interface.Example of a batch file using a device IP address to retrieve its settings file:SetupCLI URPC startSetupCLI URPC adddevice -I -S 113 -P 502SetupCLI URPC getsettings -d DEV@SETUP_CLI -f C:\example.ursSetupCLI URPC exitAfter connecting the device using IP address, the device name DEV@SETUP_CLI is used to identify this device in'getsettings' command.Example of a batch file using a device IP address to retrieve a settings file when RADIUS authentication is required:SetupCLI URPC startSetupCLI URPC adddevice -I -S 113 -P 502SetupCLI URPC login -d DEV@SETUP_CLI -a %1 -w %2 -A radiusSetupCLI URPC getsettings -d DEV@SETUP_CLI -f "example file.urs"SetupCLI URPC logout -d DEV@SETUP_CLISetupCLI URPC exitDEV@SETUP_CLI has to be used as the device name in the commands followed by the 'adddevice' command.