CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPB90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-755DmdMtrMMTR1.RsStat.ctlModelRange: direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securityEnrMtrMMTR1.RsStat.ctlModelRange: direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-securityDefault: direct-with-normal-securityGGIO1GGIO1 is a UR feature that allows up to 128 UR FlexLogic operands to be user-mapped to IEC 61850 information modeldata attributes.For the value of a FlexLogic operand to be read via MMS, included in TxGOOSE messages, or included in buffered/unbuffered reports, the value must be assigned to a data attribute. GGIO1 allows those FlexLogic operands that have notyet been factory-assigned to a data attribute to be user-assigned to a generic data attribute, and thus have their valuesincluded in IEC 61850 communications.Navigate to Settings > Product Setup > Communications > IEC 61850 > GGIO > GGIO1 to access the settings for GGIO1.Figure 5-33: IEC 61850 GGIO1 panelGGIO1 INDICATION 1Range: any FlexLogic operandDefault: OFFThis setting selects the FlexLogic operand whose value is mapped into the IEC 61850 data attribute/GGIO1.Ind001.stVal. See the FlexLogic section in this chapter for a list of FlexLogic operands.GGIO1 INDICATION 2Range: any FlexLogic operandDefault: OFFSelects the FlexLogic operand mapped to /GGIO1.Ind002.stVal, and so on.GGIO2Virtual Inputs are controllable FlexLogic operands that can be controlled via IEC 61850 commands to GGIO2, by DNP, byModbus, and by the UR front panel. The settings related to these IEC 61850 commands are described here.