CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPB90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-915When enabled, this function monitors the pre-fault trigger. The pre-fault data are stored in the memory for prospectivecreation of the fault report on the rising edge of the pre-fault trigger. The element waits for the fault trigger as long as thepre-fault trigger is asserted, but not shorter than 1 second. When the fault trigger occurs, the fault data is stored and thecomplete report is created. If the fault trigger does not occur within 1 second after the pre-fault trigger drops out, theelement resets and no record is created.The user programmable record contains the following information: the user-programmed relay name, detailed firmwarerevision (x.xx, for example) and relay model (B90), the date and time of trigger, the name of pre-fault trigger (a specificFlexLogic operand), the name of fault trigger (a specific FlexLogic operand), the active setting group at pre-fault trigger, theactive setting group at fault trigger, pre-fault values of all programmed analog channels (one cycle before pre-fault trigger),and fault values of all programmed analog channels (at the fault trigger).Each fault report is stored as a file to a maximum capacity of ten files. An eleventh trigger overwrites the oldest file. TheEnerVista software is required to view all captured data. A FAULT RPT TRIG event is automatically created when the reportis triggered.The relay includes two user-programmable fault reports to enable capture of two types of trips (for example, trip fromthermal protection with the report configured to include temperatures, and short-circuit trip with the report configured toinclude voltages and currents). Both reports feed the same report file queue.The last record is available as individual data items via communications protocols.PRE-FAULT 1 TRIGGER — Specifies the FlexLogic operand to capture the pre-fault data. The rising edge of this operand storesone cycle-old data for subsequent reporting. The element waits for the fault trigger to actually create a record as long asthe operand selected as PRE-FAULT 1 TRIGGER is “On.” If the operand remains “Off” for 1 second, the element resets and norecord is created.FAULT 1 TRIGGER — Specifies the FlexLogic operand to capture the fault data. The rising edge of this operand stores thedata as fault data and results in a new report. The trigger (not the pre-fault trigger) controls the date and time of thereport.FAULT REPORT 1 #1 to FAULT REPORT 1 #32 — These settings specify an actual value such as voltage or current magnitude,true RMS, phase angle, frequency, temperature, and so on, to be stored when the report is created. Up to 32 channels canbe configured. Two reports are configurable to cope with variety of trip conditions and items of interest.5.3.9 Oscillography5.3.9.1 MenuSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP OSCILLOGRAPHY FAULT 1 TRIGGER:OffRange: FlexLogic operand FAULT REPORT 1 # 1:OffRange: Off, any actual value analog parameter FAULT REPORT 1 #32:OffRange: Off, any actual value analog parameter OSCILLOGRAPHY NUMBER OF RECORDS:15Range: 1 to 64 in steps of 1 TRIGGER MODE:Automatic OverwriteRange: Automatic Overwrite, Protected TRIGGER POSITION:50%Range: 0 to 100% in steps of 1 TRIGGER SOURCE:OffRange: FlexLogic operand AC INPUT WAVEFORMS:16 samples/cycleRange: Off; 8, 16, 32, 64 samples/cycle