CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES METERINGB90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6-96This status is relevant to R-GOOSE reception when configured for SSM or ASM reception modes. It is not relevant for GOOSEor for R-GOOSE in unicast reception mode.ARP — The unicast mode of R-GOOSE transmission requires Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for the resolution of thenetwork layer address into the MAC layer address. R-TxGOOSE## ARP status On indicates that ARP responses are beingreceived and the destination MAC address for R-GOOSE transmissions has been obtained. This status remains Off ifTxGOOSE## is not configured for R-GOOSE. It also remains Off if setting R-TxGOOSE1 DST IP is set to a multicast address. Inthe case where setting R-TxGOOSE1 DST IP is configured with a unicast address and this status indicates Off, TxGOOSE##transmission will be off, and therefore communication network diagnosis needs to be carried out.This status is only applicable for R-GOOSE transmission with setting R-TxGOOSE1 DST IP set to a unicast IP address. It is notapplicable for GOOSE or for R-GOOSE when setting R-TxGOOSE1 DST IP is multicast.6.4 Metering6.4.1 Metering conventions6.4.1.1 UR convention for measuring phase anglesAll phasors calculated by URs and used for protection, control and metering functions are rotating phasors that maintainthe correct phase angle relationships with each other at all times.For display and oscillography purposes, all phasor angles in a given relay are referred to an AC input channel pre-selectedby the SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP POWER SYSTEM FREQUENCY AND PHASE REFERENCE setting. This setting defines aparticular AC signal source to be used as the reference.If the AC signal pre-selected by the relay upon configuration is not measurable, the phase angles are not referenced. Thephase angles are assigned as positive in the leading direction, and are presented as negative in the lagging direction, tomore closely align with power system metering conventions. The figure illustrates this. R-TxGOOSE 16ARP: OffRange: On, OffThe B90 is provided with optional IEC 61850 capability. This feature is specified as a software option at the timeof ordering. See the Order Codes section of chapter 2 for details.