5-58 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5If the publisher dataset includes members with structured data, that is, data attributes, sub-data objects, and/or dataattributes with sub-data attributes, configuration must use one of the new 7.40 UR Setup RxGOOSE Inputs pages. In thiscase the Member setting displays as the product-related name used by the publishing IED of the data object or dataattribute, in standard SCSM format (e.g. Publisher1LD1/LLN0$ST$Off$stVal).Note that a dataset can hold at most 64 basic data attribute values, and that a single structured data object or attributecan contain multiple basic data attribute values. UR Setup software does not allow more that 64 basic data attributevalues to be entered, in which case the last several members settings cannot be changed from End of List.Note that the publisher's name alone does not contain all the information required for subscription, additional publisherinformation model information is stored elsewhere. For this reason, manual entry of the name is not supported.RxGOOSE inputsThe values received by RxGOOSE elements need to be converted to FlexLogic or FlexAnalog operands so that they can beused by other UR elements. This conversion is done by RxGOOSE Boolean, RxGOOSE DPS, and RxGOOSE Analog elements.Each RxGOOSE Boolean can convert the value of a specified Boolean value received by a specified RxGOOSE to a FlexLogicoperand. Each RxGOOSE DPS can convert the value of a specified Dbpos (Double bit position) value to four FlexLogicoperands, one for each of the four possible Dbpos states. Each RxGOOSE Analog can convert the value of a specifiedFLOAT32 member to a FlexAnalog operand. Each of these operands reverts to its default state when the RxGOOSEconnectivity is lost. Other types of values can be present in subscribed GOOSE messages, but cannot be converted tooperands. An RxGOOSE Input that is mapped to a value that in the GOOSE message is a child of a data object reverts to itsconfigured default value while the Quality value in that data object is invalid, and also while the Quality value is test andthis relay's TEST MODE FUNCTION setting is other than Forcible or Isolated.RxGOOSE Boolean, RxGOOSE DPS, and RxGOOSE Analog elements are mapped to various data objects inMaster/GGIO3. This is to allow reading of their values via MMS and to allow references to them in SCL files.GGIO3 has no settings, nor is it visible in the UR Setup software. See the UR Family Communications Guide for moreinformation on GGIO3.RxGOOSE Boolean inputsNavigate to Settings > Product Setup > Communications > IEC 61850 > GOOSE > RxGOOSE > RxGOOSE Boolean Inputs.The number of RxGOOSE Boolean (remote inputs) is 256.There are Add IED and Remove IED buttons. The Add IED button allows SCL files to be used, including IID, ICD, CID, andSCD (supported in version 7.40 and later). When the file format is SCD, the system lists all IEDs inside the SCD file and letsthe user select the ones to add. The figure shows a selection being made by importing a CID file using the Add IEDfunction.