5-92 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS55.2.17 DIRECT INPUTS/OUTPUTSa) MAIN MENUPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP DIRECT I/OThis option is available when an INTER-RELAY COMMUNICATIONS card is specified at the time of order-ing. With the option, direct inputs/outputs display by default. When you enable the teleprotection feature,direct I/O is not visible.Direct inputs and outputs are intended for exchange of status information (inputs and outputs) between UR-series relaysconnected directly via type 7 or type 2 digital communications cards. The mechanism is very similar to IEC 61850 GSSE,except that communications takes place over a non-switchable isolated network and is optimized for speed. On type 7cards that support two channels, direct output messages are sent from both channels simultaneously. This effectivelysends direct output messages both ways around a ring configuration. On type 7 cards that support one channel, direct out-put messages are sent only in one direction. Messages will be resent (forwarded) when it is determined that the messagedid not originate at the receiver.Direct output message timing is similar to GSSE message timing. Integrity messages (with no state changes) are sent atleast every 1000 ms. Messages with state changes are sent within the main pass scanning the inputs and asserting theoutputs unless the communication channel bandwidth has been exceeded. Two self-tests are performed and signaled bythe following FlexLogic operands:1. DIRECT RING BREAK (direct input/output ring break). This FlexLogic operand indicates that direct output messagessent from a UR-series relay are not being received back by the relay.2. DIRECT DEVICE 1 OFF to DIRECT DEVICE 16 OFF (direct device offline). These FlexLogic operands indicate that directoutput messages from at least one direct device are not being received.Direct input and output settings are similar to remote input and output settings. The equivalent of the remote device namestrings for direct inputs and outputs is the DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID. The DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID setting identifies therelay in all direct output messages. All UR-series IEDs in a ring should have unique numbers assigned. The IED ID is usedto identify the sender of the direct input and output message.If the direct input and output scheme is configured to operate in a ring (DIRECT I/O CH1 RING CONFIGURATION or DIRECT I/OCH2 RING CONFIGURATION is “Yes”), all direct output messages should be received back. If not, the direct input/output ringbreak self-test is triggered. The self-test error is signaled by the DIRECT RING BREAK FlexLogic operand. DIRECT I/ODIRECT OUTPUTDEVICE ID: 1Range: 1 to 16MESSAGE DIRECT I/O CH1 RINGCONFIGURATION: YesRange: Yes, NoMESSAGE DIRECT I/O CH2 RINGCONFIGURATION: YesRange: Yes, NoMESSAGE DIRECT I/O DATARATE: 64 kbpsRange: 64 kbps, 128 kbpsMESSAGE DIRECT I/O CHANNELCROSSOVER: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE CRC ALARM CH1 See page 5–97.MESSAGE CRC ALARM CH2 See page 5–97.MESSAGE UNRETURNED MESSAGES ALARM CH1 See page 5–98.MESSAGE UNRETURNED MESSAGES ALARM CH2 See page 5–98.