7-2 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin7.1 COMMANDS 7 COMMANDS AND TARGETS77.1.3 CLEAR RECORDSPATH: COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDSThis menu contains commands for clearing historical data such as the event records. Data is cleared by changing a com-mand setting to “Yes” and pressing the ENTER key. After clearing data, the command setting automatically reverts to “No”.7.1.4 SET DATE AND TIMEPATH: COMMANDS SET DATE AND TIMEThe date and time can be entered on the faceplate keypad. The time setting is based on the 24-hour clock. The completedate, as a minimum, must be entered to allow execution of this command. The new time and date take effect when theENTER key is pressed. COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDSCLEAR FAULT REPORTS?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR EVENT RECORDS?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR OSCILLOGRAPHY?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR DATA LOGGER?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR BREAKER 1ARCING AMPS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR BREAKER 2ARCING AMPS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR DEMANDRECORDS?: NoRange: No, YesCLEAR ENERGY?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR HIZ RECORDS?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR DIRECT I/OCOUNTERS? NoRange: No, Yes. Valid only for units with Direct Input/Output module.CLEAR PMU 1 RECORDS?NoRange: No, YesCLEAR PMU 1 CONFIGCHANGE COUNTER? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR TELEPROTECTCOUNTERS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR INCIPIENTFAULT COUNTERS? NoRange: No, YesCLEAR ALL RELAYRECORDS? NoRange: No, Yes COMMANDS SET DATE AND TIMESET DATE AND TIME:2000/01/14 13:47:03(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)