GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 5-1515 SETTINGS 5.5 FLEXLOGIC5ELEMENT:Negative-sequenceovervoltageNEG SEQ OV1 PKPNEG SEQ OV1 DPONEG SEQ OV1 OPNegative-sequence overvoltage element has picked upNegative-sequence overvoltage element has dropped outNegative-sequence overvoltage element has operatedNEG SEQ OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for NEG SEQ OV1ELEMENT:Negative-sequencetime overcurrentNEG SEQ TOC1 PKPNEG SEQ TOC1 OPNEG SEQ TOC1 DPONegative-sequence time overcurrent 1 has picked upNegative-sequence time overcurrent 1 has operatedNegative-sequence time overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEG SEQ TOC2 Same set of operands as shown for NEG SEQ TOC1ELEMENT:NeutralinstantaneousovercurrentNEUTRAL IOC1 PKPNEUTRAL IOC1 OPNEUTRAL IOC1 DPONeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEUTRAL IOC2 to 8 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL IOC1ELEMENT:Neutral overvoltageNEUTRAL OV1 PKPNEUTRAL OV1 DPONEUTRAL OV1 OPNeutral overvoltage element 1 has picked upNeutral overvoltage element 1 has dropped outNeutral overvoltage element 1 has operatedNEUTRAL OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL OV1ELEMENT:Neutral timeovercurrentNEUTRAL TOC1 PKPNEUTRAL TOC1 OPNEUTRAL TOC1 DPONeutral time overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral time overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral time overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEUTRAL TOC2 to 4 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL TOC1ELEMENT:Neutral directionalovercurrentNTRL DIR OC1 FWDNTRL DIR OC1 REVNeutral directional overcurrent 1 forward has operatedNeutral directional overcurrent 1 reverse has operatedNTRL DIR OC2 Same set of operands as shown for NTRL DIR OC1ELEMENT:OverfrequencyOVERFREQ 1 PKPOVERFREQ 1 OPOVERFREQ 1 DPOOverfrequency 1 has picked upOverfrequency 1 has operatedOverfrequency 1 has dropped outOVERFREQ 2 to 4 Same set of operands as shown for OVERFREQ 1ELEMENT:Synchrophasorphasor dataconcentratorPDC NETWORK CNTRL 1PDC NETWORK CNTRL 2↓PDC NETWORK CNTRL 16Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 1 as received via the networkPhasor data concentrator asserts control bit 2 as received via the network↓Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 16 as received via the networkELEMENT:Phase directionalovercurrentPH DIR1 BLK APH DIR1 BLK BPH DIR1 BLK CPH DIR1 BLKPhase A directional 1 blockPhase B directional 1 blockPhase C directional 1 blockPhase directional 1 blockPH DIR2 Same set of operands as shown for PH DIR1ELEMENT:PhaseinstantaneousovercurrentPHASE IOC1 PKPPHASE IOC1 OPPHASE IOC1 DPOPHASE IOC1 PKP APHASE IOC1 PKP BPHASE IOC1 PKP CPHASE IOC1 OP APHASE IOC1 OP BPHASE IOC1 OP CPHASE IOC1 DPO APHASE IOC1 DPO BPHASE IOC1 DPO CAt least one phase of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedAll phases of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 have dropped outPhase A of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase B of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase C of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase A of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase B of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase C of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase A of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase B of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase C of phase instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outPHASE IOC2 to 8 Same set of operands as shown for PHASE IOC1ELEMENT:Phase overvoltage PHASE OV1 PKPPHASE OV1 OPPHASE OV1 DPOPHASE OV1 PKP APHASE OV1 PKP BPHASE OV1 PKP CPHASE OV1 OP APHASE OV1 OP BPHASE OV1 OP CPHASE OV1 DPO APHASE OV1 DPO BPHASE OV1 DPO CAt least one phase of overvoltage 1 has picked upAt least one phase of overvoltage 1 has operatedAll phases of overvoltage 1 have dropped outPhase A of overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase B of overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase C of overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase A of overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase B of overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase C of overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase A of overvoltage 1 has dropped outPhase B of overvoltage 1 has dropped outPhase C of overvoltage 1 has dropped outPHASE OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for PHASE OV1Table 5–18: F60 FLEXLOGIC OPERANDS (Sheet 4 of 8)OPERAND TYPE OPERAND SYNTAX OPERAND DESCRIPTION