GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 3-253 HARDWARE 3.2 WIRING33.2.10 IRIG-BIRIG-B is a standard time code format that allows stamping of events to be synchronized among connected devices. TheIRIG-B code allows time accuracies of up to 100 ns. Using the IRIG-B input, the F60 operates an internal oscillator with 1μs resolution and accuracy. The IRIG time code formats are serial, pulse width-modulated codes that can be either DClevel shifted or amplitude modulated (AM). The GE MultiSync 100 1588 GPS Clock as well as third-party equipment areavailable for generating the IRIG-B signal; this equipment can use a global positioning system (GPS) satellite system toobtain the time reference so that devices at different geographic locations can be synchronized.Figure 3–27: OPTIONS FOR THE IRIG-B CONNECTIONUsing an amplitude modulated receiver causes errors up to 1 ms in event time-stamping.The F60 is intended for use with external clocks that set the IRIG-B control bits according to IEEE Std C37.118.1-2011. When used with a source that sets the IRIG-B control bits according to IEEE Std 1344-1995, the source musthave the sign of its local time offset setting reversed, and if daylight savings time (DST) is used, the source's DSTstart and DST stop date settings must be interchanged.UR-series deviceBNC (in)ReceiverRG58/59 coaxial cableGPS satellite systemGPS connectionIRIG-B (–)4A+827756A8.CDRIRIG-Btime code generator(DC-shift oramplitude modulatedsignal can be used)4B IRIG-B (+)UR-series deviceBNC (in)ReceiverTwisted-pair cableGPS satellite systemGPS connectionIRIG-B (–)4A+IRIG-Btime code generator(DC-shift oramplitude modulatedsignal can be used)4B IRIG-B (+)NOTE