GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 5-2415 SETTINGS 5.7 CONTROL ELEMENTS5• FREQ RATE 1 MIN FREQUENCY: This setting defines minimum frequency level required for operation of the element.The setting may be used to effectively block the feature based on frequency. For example, if the intent is to monitor anincreasing trend but only if the frequency is already above certain level, this setting should be set to the required fre-quency level.• FREQ RATE 1 MAX FREQUENCY: This setting defines maximum frequency level required for operation of the ele-ment. The setting may be used to effectively block the feature based on frequency. For example, if the intent is to mon-itor a decreasing trend but only if the frequency is already below certain level (such as for load shedding), this settingshould be set to the required frequency level.If the signal source assigned to the frequency rate of change element is only set to auxiliary VT, then the minimumvoltage supervision is 3 V.Figure 5–113: FREQUENCY RATE OF CHANGE SCHEME LOGICNOTE| V_1 | > PICKUPFREQ RATE 1 BLOCK:OffRUNFREQ RATE 1 SOURCE:Pos seq voltage (V_1)FREQ RATE 1 FUNCTION:SETTINGSEnabled = 1Pos seq current (I_1)Frequency (F)ANDFREQ RATE 1 OV SUPVPICKUP:SETTINGSETTING| I_1 | >PICKUPRUNFREQ RATE 1 OC SUPVPICKUP:SETTINGF > MIN & F < MAXRUNFREQ RATE 1 MINFREQUENCY:SETTINGSFREQ RATE 1 MAXFREQUENCY:ANDCalculate df/dtRUNdf/dt > PICKUPRUNSETTINGSFREQ RATE 1 PICKUP:FREQ RATE 1 TREND:FLEXLOGIC OPERANDSFREQ RATE 1 DPOFREQ RATE 1 OPFREQ RATE 1 PKPFREQ RATE 1 RESETDELAY:SETTINGSFREQ RATE 1 PICKUPDELAY:t PKPt RST832023A2.CDR