CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES FLEXLOGIC DESIGN AND MONITORING USING ENGINEERL60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4-514TimingTiming Information can be displayed in the monitoring window. This timing information is only an approximaterepresentation of how Engineer sees transitions. Use the device's Event Record to view accurate timing information.The timing information can also be streamed to a comma-separated values (CSV) spreadsheet.The timing information displayed and recorded can be filtered based on six categories. If a category is not selected, anytiming information related to that category does not display and is not recorded to the CSV file.Show Timing Information in Output Window — Enable to display times in the monitoring window.Because of the update rate of the Logic Monitoring, the timing information cannot be used as an accurate representationof the events that occur within the relay. Use instead the device's event record. Timing information can be delayed by 30seconds.Save Timing Information to CSV File — Enable to write timing information in a spreadsheet. The timing information isrecorded in a text file that uses commas to separate each of the fields. This file uses the extension CSV that is supported byany spreadsheet application.Every change written to the CSV file requires a timestamp.The format for the timing information in the output window is as follows:yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ssdevicename offlineyyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ssdevicename ONLINEyyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ssVO1: Virt Out 1- 0VI4: Virt In 4- 1DI3: Direct In 3- 0RI2: Remote In 2- 1H5a: Contact In 1- 1H1: Contact Output 1- 0Data is only appended to the CSV file. The format for the data is as follows:yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, devicename, offlineyyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, devicename, ONLINEyyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, VO1: Virt Out 1, 0yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, VI4: Virt In 4, 1yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, DI3: Direct In 3, 0yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, RI2: Remote In 2, 1yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, H5a: Contact In 1, 1yyyy/mm/dd hh:dd:ss, H1: Contact Output 1, 0Options display for filtering, such as recording timing for Virtual Inputs and Outputs, but not Communications Status. COMTRADE waveformsWaveform files are viewable in the EnerVista software. The preferences are unrelated to Engineer and are outlined in theUR Family Communications Guide.