5-344 L60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALINPUTS/OUTPUTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Application example 4A latching contact H1a is to be controlled from a single virtual output VO1. The contact is to remain closed as long as VO1is high, and is to remain opened when VO1 is low. Program the relay as follows.Write the following FlexLogic equation (EnerVista example shown).Program the Latching Outputs by making the following changes in the SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS CONTACTOUTPUTS CONTACT OUTPUT H1a menu (assuming an H4L module):OUTPUT H1a OPERATE: “VO1”OUTPUT H1a RESET: “VO2”5.8.4 Virtual outputsSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1(96)The virtual inputs and outputs are digital signals associated with UR-series internal logic signals. Virtual inputs includesignals generated by the local user interface. The virtual outputs are outputs of FlexLogic equations used to customize thedevice. Virtual outputs can also serve as virtual inputs to FlexLogic equations.There are 96 virtual outputs that can be assigned using FlexLogic. If not assigned, the output is forced to ‘OFF’ (Logic 0). AnID also can be assigned to each virtual output. Virtual outputs are resolved in each pass through the evaluation of theFlexLogic equations. Any change of state of a virtual output can be logged as an event if programmed to do so.For example, if Virtual Output 1 is the trip signal from FlexLogic and the trip relay is used to signal events, the settings isprogrammed as follows:VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 ID: "Trip"VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 EVENTS: "Disabled"5.8.5 ResettingSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS RESETTINGSome events can be programmed to latch the faceplate LED event indicators, target messages, and/or graphical panelannunciator windows. Once set, the latching mechanism holds all of the latched indicators or messages in the set stateafter the initiating condition has cleared until a RESET command is received to return these latches (not including FlexLogiclatches) to the reset state where the initiating condition has cleared. The RESET command can be sent from the faceplateRESET button, a remote device via a communications channel, or any selected operand. VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 IDVirt Op 1Range: up to 20 alphanumeric characters VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled RESETTING RESET OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operand