5-108 L60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Table 5-16: Recommended settings for user-programmable LEDsSee the figure in the Setting Groups section of the Control Elements section later in this chapter for an example of groupactivation.5.3.12 User-programmable self-testsSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP USER-PROGRAMMALBE SELF TESTSAll major self-test alarms are reported automatically with their corresponding FlexLogic operands, events, and targets.Most of the minor alarms can be disabled if so wanted.When in the Disabled mode, minor alarms do not assert a FlexLogic operand, write to the event recorder, or display targetmessages. Moreover, they do not trigger the ANY MINOR ALARM or ANY SELF-TEST messages. When in Enabled mode,minor alarms continue to function along with other major and minor alarms. See the Relay Self-tests section in chapter 7for information on major and minor self-test alarms.Setting Parameter Setting ParameterLED 1 operand SETTING GROUP ACT 1 LED 13 operand OffLED 2 operand SETTING GROUP ACT 2 LED 14 operand BREAKER 2 OPENLED 3 operand SETTING GROUP ACT 3 LED 15 operand BREAKER 2 CLOSEDLED 4 operand SETTING GROUP ACT 4 LED 16 operand BREAKER 2 TROUBLELED 5 operand SETTING GROUP ACT 5 LED 17 operand SYNC 1 SYNC OPLED 6 operand SETTING GROUP ACT 6 LED 18 operand SYNC 2 SYNC OPLED 7 operand Off LED 19 operand OffLED 8 operand Off LED 20 operand OffLED 9 operand BREAKER 1 OPEN LED 21 operand AR ENABLEDLED 10 operand BREAKER 1 CLOSED LED 22 operand AR DISABLEDLED 11 operand BREAKER 1 TROUBLE LED 23 operand AR RIPLED 12 operand Off LED 24 operand AR LO USER-PROGRAMMABLE SELF TESTS DIRECT RING BREAKFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled. Valid for units equippedwith Direct Input/Output module. DIRECT DEVICE OFFFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled. Valid for units equippedwith Direct Input/Output module. RxGOOSE OFFFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled FIRST ETHERNET FAILFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled SEC. ETHERNET FAILFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled THIRD ETHERNET FAILFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled SFP MODULE FAILFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled BATTERY FAILFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled SNTP FAILFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled IRIG-B FAILFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled PTP FAILFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled