CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPL60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-855Figure 5-38: GGIO4 panelANALOG IN 1 VALUERange: any FlexAnalog operandDefault: OFFThis setting selects the FlexAnalog operand whose value is mapped into the IEC 61850 data attribute/GGIO4.AnIn01.instMag.f. The value of the FlexAnalog operand is converted automatically to the format andscaling required by the standard, that is to say primary amperes, primary volts, and so on. See Appendix A for a list ofFlexAnalog operands.ANALOG IN 1 DBRange: 0.000 to 100.000% in steps of 0.001Default: 0.000%This setting specifies the deadband for the ANALOG IN 1 VALUE. The deadband is used to determine when to update thedeadbanded magnitude from the instantaneous magnitude. The deadband is a percentage of the difference betweenthe "max." and "min." values. Here, the "max." and "min." are as specified by the settings ANALOG IN 1 MAX and ANALOG IN1 MIN.See the Deadband Settings section earlier for a description of deadbanded values.ANALOG IN 1 MINRange: -1000000000.000 to 1000000000.000 in steps of 0.001Default: 0.000This setting specifies the "min." value used in deadband calculations. The scaling of this setting is the same as used by/GGIO4.AnIn01.instMag.f. This setting is stored as an IEEE 754 / IEC 60559 floating point number. Because ofthe large range of this setting, not all possible values can be stored. Some values are rounded to the closest possiblefloating point number.ANALOG IN 1 MAXRange: -1000000000.000 to 1000000000.000 in steps of 0.001Default: 1000000.000This setting specifies the "max." value used in deadband calculations. The scaling of this setting is the same as used by/GGIO4.AnIn01.instMag.f. This setting is stored as an IEEE 754 / IEC 60559 floating point number. Because ofthe large range of this setting, not all possible values can be stored. Some values are rounded to the closest possiblefloating point number.