L60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL B-1L60 Line Phase Comparison SystemAppendix B: RADIUS server configurationRADIUS server configurationB.1 RADIUS server configurationThe following procedure is an example of how to set up a simple RADIUS server. You install the RADIUS server software ona separate computer. In this example, we use FreeRADIUS third-party software.1. Download and install FreeRADIUS from www.freeradius.net as the RADIUS server. This is a Windows 32-bit installationthat is known to work. If you try another third-party tool and it does not work, use the FreeRADIUS software fromfreeradius.net.2. Open the radius.conf file in the \etc\raddb folder, locate the "bind_address" field, and enter yourRADIUS server IP address. An example isbind_address = editor software that supports direct editing and saving of UNIX text encodings and line breaks, such as EditPadLite, is needed for this editing.3. In the users.conf file in the \etc\raddb folder, add the following text to configure a user "Tester" withan Administrator role.Tester User-Password == "testpw"GE-PDC-USER-Role = Administrator,4. In the clients.conf file in the \etc\raddb folder, add the following text to define the UR as a RADIUSclient, where the client IP address is, the subnet mask is, the shared secret specified here is alsoconfigured on the UR device for successful authentication, and the shortname is a short, optional alias that can beused in place of the IP address.client {secret = testing123shortname = private-network-1}5. In the \etc\raddb folder, create a file called dictionary.ge and add the following content.# ########################################################### GE VSAs############################################################VENDOR GE 2910# Management authorizationBEGIN-VENDOR GE PreviousNext |