5-20 L60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Table 5-6: Security alarm settingsCyberSentry settings through the front panelSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITYFirmware Lock(via Lock Relay)Indicates if the device receives firmwareupgrades. If Enabled and the firmwareupgrade attempt is made, the device deniesthe upgrade and displays an error messagethat the lock is set. On each firmware upgrade,this setting goes back to the default.The Lock Relay setting blocks settings andfirmware updates.Disabled Enabled Enabled - AdministratorFactory ServiceModeWhen enabled, the device can go into factoryservice mode. To enable, Supervisorauthentication is necessary.Disabled Enabled Disabled - Supervisor(Administratorwhen Supervisoris disabled)Restore to Defaults Sets the device to factory defaults No Yes No - AdministratorSupervisor Role When enabled, the Supervisor role is active. Toenable, Administrator authentication isnecessary. When disabled, the Supervisor roleis inactive. To disable, Supervisorauthentication is necessary.Disabled Enabled Enabled - Administrator toenable andSupervisor todisableRADIUS user names Ensures that RADIUS user names are not thesame as local/device role namesSee RADIUSserverdocumentsSeeRADIUSserverdocuments- AdministratorPassword Local/device roles except for Observer arepassword-protected. All RADIUS users arepassword-protected.See thePasswordRequirementssection earlierin this chapterSee thefollowingpasswordsection forrequirementsChangeMe1#Text The specifiedrole andAdministrator,except forSupervisor,where it is onlyitselfSetting name Description / Details Min Max Default Units MinimumpermissionsFailedAuthenticationsA threshold number indicating when an alarmis set off to indicate too many failedauthentication attempts0(disabled)99 3 - AdministratorFirmware Lock A value indicating if the device can receive afirmware upgrade. If Enabled and a firmwareupgrade attempt is made, the device alarmactivates. If Disabled, the device alarm does notactivate. On each firmware upgrade this settinggoes back to the default.Disabled Enabled Enabled - AdministratorSettings Lock A value indicating if the device can accept anysettings changes. If Enabled and a settingschange attempt is made, the device alarmactivates. If Disabled, the device alarm does notactivate.Disabled Enabled Enabled - Supervisor(Administrator ifSupervisor hasbeen disabled) SECURITY LOGIN:NoneRange: Administrator, Engineer, Supervisor,Operator, Factory (for factory use only), None CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSSee page 5-21 SESSION SETTINGSSee page 5-22Setting name Description Minimum Maximum Default Units Minimumpermission