CHAPTER 7: COMMANDS AND TARGETS TARGETS MENUL60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7-97• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A direct device is configured but not connected.• How often the test is performed: Every second.• What to do: Check direct input and output configuration and wiring.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: One or more RxGOOSE messages are not being received.• How often the test is performed: The self-test is activated when no message is received within the expected timeinterval, which is the time-to-live time in the previous message. This time can be from milliseconds to minutes.• What to do: Check GOOSE setup.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: The ambient temperature is greater than the maximum operating temperature (+80°C).• How often the test is performed: Every hour.• What to do: Remove the L60 from service and install in a location that meets operating temperature standards.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: Abnormal restart from modules being removed or inserted while the L60 is powered-up, whenthere is an abnormal DC supply, or as a result of internal relay failure.• How often the test is performed: Event driven.• What to do: Contact the factory.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: A link loss detection on an Ethernet port. The link loss is due to unplugging the cable or theswitch port being down.• How often the test is performed:• What to do: Check the connection.• Latched target message: Yes.DIRECT I/O FAILURE:COMM Path IncompleteRxGOOSE FAIL:Missing messagesTEMP MONITOR:OVER TEMPERATUREUNEXPECTED RESTART:Press “RESET” keyFIRST ETHERNET FAILSECOND ETHERNET FAILTHIRD ETHERNET FAILWRONG TRANSCEIVER