Appendix A. Online Support InformationThis section describes online technical support services available to helprepair the Aptiva computer.This section covers: IBM PC Company Bulletin Board Service (BBS) IBM PC Company Fax-Back Service IBM Online HelpCenter on Prodigy, America Online, CompuServe IBM useful sites on the World Wide Web (WWW)Online technical support offers convenient and valuable information whenyou need it. IBM offers support areas on several online services where youcan work with IBM technicians for solutions to your questions, download keyfiles, and access database information for the Aptiva computer.The IBM PC Company offers online resources including several InternetWorld Wide Web sites, the IBM Online HelpCenter support areas, aFax-Back service, and a Bulletin Board Service.The IBM PC Company BBS telephone number is (919) 517-0001. (U.S. andCanada only). The BBS contains a valuable file library with drivers, softwareupdates, product information, and other file updates. To access the BBS,set your modem for eight data bits, one stop bit, and no parity bit.The IBM PC Company Automated Fax-Back System offers a variety of IBMcomputer-related articles. To access this service, call 800-IBM-3395. TheFax-Back system file library can also be accessed through the PC CompanyBBS.Aptiva technical support is offered through the IBM Online HelpCenters onthe Prodigy Service, America Online, and through the IBM support forums onCompuServe.IBM online support areas on all of the services can assist with your technicalquestions. These areas offer message boards monitored by IBMtechnicians, databases of computer-related solutions, and file libraries.World-wide users can access the IBM Aptiva support forums onCompuServe. CompuServe users can use the Go word: APTIVA to reachthe Aptiva support forum. For information about CompuServe, call (800)848-8990 (U.S. and Canada only). Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 A-1