To reach the IBM Online HelpCenter on Prodigy, use the jumpword: IBM.For information about Prodigy, please call (800) 776-3449 (U.S. and Canadaonly). You can reach the IBM Online HelpCenter on America Online usingkeyword: IBM Connection. For information about America Online, pleasecall (800) 827-6364 (U.S. and Canada only). Prodigy and America Onlinehave limited international availability.To access the IBM PC Company Internet sites, you will need to acquireInternet access. Please check with your local Internet provider for moreinformation. (Members of Prodigy, AOL, and CompuServe can reach thesesites through the Internet capabilities of the services.)Here are useful IBM Internet addresses for Aptiva information: PC Company Home Page on the World Wide Web Home Page Product Specifications PC Company Searchable File Library Answer Bank -- A database of answers tofrequently asked questions.A-2