Table 6. DSA Preboot messages (continued)v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved.v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3250 M3 Types 4251, 4252, and 4261,” on page 119 to determine whichcomponents are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trainedservice technician.v Go to the IBM support website at to check for technical information, hints, tips,and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.Messagenumber Component Test State Description Action405-903-xxx Intel EthernetDeviceTest InternalMemoryFailed 1. Make sure that the component firmware is at thelatest level. The installed firmware level is shownin the DSA event log in the Firmware/VPDsection for this component. For moreinformation, see “Updating the firmware” onpage 193.2. Run the test again.3. Check the interrupt assignments in the PCIHardware section of the DSA event log. If theEthernet device is sharing interrupts, if possible,use the Setup utility see “Using the Setup utility”on page 197) to assign a unique interrupt to thedevice.4. Replace the component that is causing the error.If the error is caused by an adapter, replace theadapter. Check the PCI Information and NetworkSettings information in the DSA event log todetermine the physical location of the failingcomponent.5. If the failure remains, go to the IBM website formore troubleshooting information at Intel EthernetDeviceTest Interrupt Failed 1. Make sure that the component firmware is at thelatest level. The installed firmware level is shownin the DSA event log in the Firmware/VPDsection for this component. For moreinformation, see “Updating the firmware” onpage 193.2. Run the test again.3. Check the interrupt assignments in the PCIHardware section of the DSA event log. If theEthernet device is sharing interrupts, if possible,use the Setup utility see “Using the Setup utility”on page 197) to assign a unique interrupt to thedevice.4. Replace the component that is causing the error.If the error is caused by an adapter, replace theadapter. Check the PCI Information and NetworkSettings information in the DSA event log todetermine the physical location of the failingcomponent.5. If the failure remains, go to the IBM website formore troubleshooting information at IBM System x3250 M3 Types 4251, 4252, and 4261: Problem Determination and Service Guide