Section: 9IDS X64 Installer Manual 700-398-02D Issued August 2010 239.1 ZonesLOCATIONS 1 - 8 Individual Zone Type Setup (Zones 1 – 64)These locations allow you to program the zone types for zones 1-64.The zones are divided into 8 zonesper location. After the zone type is programmed for zones 9 through 64, they will need to be assigned toa partition before being enabled.Refer to section 9.11 Partition Options to see how to add zones to partitions and what options areavailable.Each location represents a set of 8 zones: Location 1 is zones 1-8 Location 2 is zones 9-16 Location 3 is zones 17-24 Location 4 is zones 25-32 Location 5 is zones 33-40 Location 6 is zones 41-48 Location 7 is zones 49-56 Location 8 is zones 57-64Refer to Table 5 for available zone types.NOTE: If you require a panic zone whose status can be viewed on a keypad, use a panic on zones 1-64by programming 03 into the zone. Do NOT use the dedicated panic for this purpose, as it cannotbe viewed on a keypad. Zones 1-8 are onboard zones. Zones 9-16 are plug-in expander zones. Zones 17-64 are expander zones.